Humanitarian Evidence and Discourse Summaries (HEDS)

The Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) produces monthly Humanitarian Evidence and Discourse Summaries (HEDS) which signpost the FCDO and other UK government departments to the latest relevant evidence and discourse to inform and support their response to crises.

The reports were initiated as part of the former Knowledge, Evidence and Learning for Development (K4D) project, of which HCRI was also a member. The scope of the HEDS includes emerging evidence on three themes:

  • protect civilians, IDPs, refugees, marginalised groups including women and girls, and humanitarian access;
  • prioritise effective humanitarian assistance to people in greatest need;
  • prevent and anticipate future shocks and rebuild resilience in protracted and recurring crises.


Use the archive for keyword searches, or to look for a particular item in a previous report.

Resource hubs




COVID-19 armed non-state actors’ response monitor

Geneva Call

Resource tracking Covid-19 responses by armed non-state actors globally.

From words to deeds

The Geneva Academy of International Humanitarian Law and Human Rights, in collaboration with Geneva Call, the American University in Cairo and the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC)

Research on armed non-stated actors’ adherence to IHL.

Global database of humanitarian organisations

Humanitarian Outcomes

Database of humanitarian providers and resources.

Evidence database

Anticipation Hub

Database of evidence on the effectiveness of early actions.

Covid-19: tracking local humanitarian action and complementary partnerships

Overseas Development Institute, Humanitarian Policy Group

Map of complementary partnerships and local humanitarian action across the globe.

Social protection responses to compounding risks:

Lessons from Covid-19 and climate-related disasters

Red Cross and Red Crescent Climate Centre

A data dashboard of social protection responses to Covid-19, at the national and international level.

COVID-19 data explorer:

Global humanitarian operations

Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)

World map of Covid cases and various vulnerability and socio-economic risk factors (including vaccine rollout, food security, school closures, CERF allocations etc.).

Covid-19 mobility impact reports


Frequently updated reports on migration restrictions.


IDMC internal displacement updates

Internal displacement monitoring centre

Global data on internal displacement

ACAPS crisis in sight


Global overview of crisis, including Covid and conflict; as well as access constraints.

CVA and COVID-19: Resources, guidance, events and questions


Guidance and resources on Covid and cash transfers

IASC: COVID-19 outbreak readiness and response guidance

Inter-Agency Standing Committee

IASC principles and protocols adapted to Covid-19


COVID19 resource material


Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs

A wide range of guidance and resources from WHO, IASC, the EU, IFRF and others, as well as country-specific information.

Humanitarian data exchange: COVID-19 pandemic in locations with a humanitarian response

Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)

Global data on infections and deaths; a list of data sets on cases and prevention/mitigation measures.

Humanitarian data exchange: Government measures dataset

Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)

Global data on government Covid-19 measures under 5 categories: Social distancing; Movement restrictions; Public health measures; Social and economic measures; Lockdowns.


IEG lesson library: Evaluative resources and evidence to inform the COVID-19 response

World Bank Independent Evaluation Group

A library of Evaluative Resources and Evidence to inform the COVID-19 Response


Relief web: regional topic pages for Covid-19

Relief Web

Regional and global reports and resources on humanitarian needs and response.

IASC accountability and inclusion resources portal

Inter-Agency Standing Committee

A library of resources on accountability and inclusion.

Attacked and threatened: Health care targeted in conflict and COVID-19

Insecurity Insight

Map of violence and threats against health care across the world.


Conflict and health

Conflict and Health

Open-access journal on the health impacts of conflict.

International journal of disaster risk reduction

International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction

An interdisciplinary journal of DRR.

Journal of refugee studies

Journal of Refugee Studies

Research on forced migration and responses to it.



Focuses on disaster management and policy from academic and field perspectives.

International review of the Red Cross

International Review of the Red Cross

Journal focusing on international humanitarian law, policy and action in situations of conflict.