Postgraduate research

Our three year structured Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme is inspired by the need to conduct rigorous, in-depth research and analysis on the impact and outcomes of contemporary and historical crises.

Why choose Manchester? roundel

I wanted to pursue my PhD at a place that is linked to the real world and that invests in in-depth and quality research and there was the HCRI. The HCRI is also particularly unique in its interdisciplinary approach to humanitarianism, peace and conflict, which is an aspect I have come to appreciate even more as I have come in contact with and learnt from its brilliant staff and students.

Rana Khalaf / PhD student

View our programmes, and the support available for our postgraduate researchers.


Finding a supervisor

Bringing together the study of applied medicine and the humanities our structured PhD programme is driven by a desire to inform and support policy and practice, to optimise joint working between partner organisations, and to foster increased understanding and debate within the field of humanitarianism and global health.

As a PhD student at HCRI, you will be surrounded by globally renowned researchers, expert practitioners and policymakers and we welcome applications from students wishing to study in one of the following areas.

The application process should start with the prospective student scrolling through the list below to identify staff whose research interests are similar to their own. The prospective student should then contact these staff directly with a one page summary of their proposed research project and inquire if they would be interested in supervising the project. If the staff member is interested in supervising the project, the prospective student should work with the staff member to develop a 1500 word research proposal that will be the basis for their application to the programme.

To be eligible for internal and external funding, applications for the programme should be submitted online (see how to apply) in the January before the student is due to start their programme of study in September.

PhD study at the HCRI

Dr Eleanor Davey and research student Margot Tudor from the Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute talk about PhD supervision and give you their top tips.
