Policy brief series

The Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute (HCRI) policy brief series provides short, policy-relevant briefings and recommendations on issues and concerns under the themes of humanitarianism, disaster management, peace and conflict, and global health.

Policy briefing top table

The HCRI policy brief series publishes cutting-edge research on humanitarianism, peacebuilding, global health and related topics.

Concise, evidence-based and accessible, our policy briefs are designed for policymakers, governments, humanitarian practitioners and the general public.

The series brings important and neglected issues to the forefront of the policy agenda; as well as summarising high-quality research, our briefs also make targeted, evidence-based recommendations for policy makers.

Previous briefs on the gender data gap, LGBTQI+ experiences of Covid-19, and cash assistance have been widely read across the humanitarian sector.

Our policy briefs offer a platform for academics and practitioners to write about the policy relevance of their research findings.

The series is open for contributions from researchers across the globe - if you are interested in writing for us, please consult the guidelines for authors and contact series editors luke.kelly@manchester.ac.uk and kristina.tschunkert@manchester.ac.uk

To keep up-to-date on our policy briefings, please sign up to our mailing list.

Published policy briefs