Current PhD students

View the thesis topic and profiles of some of our current postgraduate researchers.

  • Sophie Clarke

    Sophie Clarke

    Biometrics, data infrastructure and the management of displaced populations.

  • Charlotte Doggett

    Charlotte Doggett

    Capturing Forgotten Voices: Syrian adolescents’ experiences of displacement and humanitarian action in Jordan and Lebanon

  • Niamh Hanrahan

    Niamh Hanrahan

    An Asian refugee crisis? Humanitarian relief of Jewish refugees in Hong Kong, Kobe, Manila and Surabaya (1931-1953)

  • Dr Muhammad Munawar Bin Mohamed Hatta

    Dr Muhammad Munawar Bin Mohamed Hatta

    'The costs and benefits of WHO Emergency Medical Teams (EMT) global classification process'

  • Ahmed Ibrahim

    Ahmed Ibrahim

    The Governance of Migration: Border crossing in Northeastern Algeria

  • Rohi Jehan

    Rohi Jehan

    Formation of women counterpublics in Kashmir: A case study of Association of Parents of Disappeared Persons (APDP).

  • Chloe Chbat

    Chloe Chbat

    Bordering and Immobility: A Study of the Palestinian Body within the Settler Colonial Context in Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territory (OPT)

  • Panagiotis Karagkounis

    Panagiotis Karagkounis

    'Forced resettlement, humanitarianism and the 'logic of development': The Greek case and the Near East, 1920s-1950s'

  • Hanna Matt

    Hanna Matt

    Reconfiguring Humanitarianism in the Margins of Empire - Displacement and Relief in Turkestan, 1914-1924.

  • Thomas Page

    Thomas Page

    The Final Report: How ideology disciplines the possible in narratives on aid

  • Francisca Vergara Pinto

    Francisca Vergara Pinto

    Understanding affect in risk perceptions and post-eruption reoccupation of active volcanic spaces.

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  • Roza Sarakatsanou

    Roza Sarakatsanou

    Rescuing refugees in the maritime space of the Aegean Sea: An interdisciplinary analysis of hybridization between solidarity and humanitarian action in Greece

  • Phoebe Shambaugh

    Phoebe Shambaugh

    Education, refugee resettlement, and the politics of future-making in Bolton and beyond.

  • Sergio Taunde

    Sergio Taunde

    The relations of recurrent floods and drought with access to child health care services and with occurrence of diseases in children.

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