Academic publications authored and co-authored by our professors, PhD students and collaborators.
- Visit The University of Manchester's research portal for full details of all our publications.
- Read about The Journal of Humanitarian Affairs.
- Access the Humanitarianism: key debates and new approaches journal, which our Director of Research Prof Bertrand Taithe is a Series Editor for.
You can also read, 'Using realist evaluation to assess the effectiveness of a clinical skills building mentorship program' by Helen Catton, MA Humanitarianism and Conflict Response student.
Helen's thesis was published in SAGE Research Methods Journal.
Humanitarian Evidence and Discourse Summaries (HEDS) signpost the FCDO and other UK government departments to the latest relevant evidence and discourse.
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Policy brief series
Short, policy-relevant briefings and recommendations under the themes of humanitarianism, disaster management, peace and conflict, and global health.
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