Collaborative partners

Through partnerships with non-governmental organisations (NGOs), industry bodies and policy-makers we are able to make a meaningful impact in the field and reach many key humanitarian decision-makers internationally.

Providing humanitarian aid effectively is influenced by policy at many levels.

Local, regional, national and international laws and regulations can all have an effect of responses and initiatives, and the insights and opinions of those providing and managing aid are important.

To help shape the regulatory climate we share and facilitate events, carry out policy briefings and workshops, and inform lawmakers all over the world through academic research outputs. Our experienced staff are members of various boards and advisory groups and we have a number of affiliated staff and contacts who also contribute to the dissemination of our work.

Since 2008, we have developed a range of lasting collaborative partnerships, to deliver educational programmes, co-produce research and provide opportunities for our students and alumni. These include international NGOs, such as MSF, and local humanitarian organisations, through the Global Manchester partnership. 

If you would like to explore supporting the work of the Institute through research collaborations, educational programmes, policy work, or charitable gifts, please contact us.

Our partners